Protected Areas in Lebanon


Ministry of Environment



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National Day for Nature Reserves


National Day for Protected Areas - PosterFrom nature, we eat, in nature we find shelter, and on nature depends our economy, progress and civilization…From nature, we learnt how to float, how to fly, how to build and how to change…


March 10 was declared a National day for Nature Reserves by the Council of Ministers Decision no. 47 of 13/3/2002. The importance of this declaration resembles the importance of Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Teacher’s Day declaration in terms of recognition of nature as the mother of all living and nonliving organisms, and the tutor of all.


This declaration also resembles other declarations in that respect, love, recognition, protection and gratitude to nature is not limited to or concentrated in this day but it designates national and governmental recognition of the importance of nature and the importance of its protection.

Nature reserves system is still an emerging system in Lebanon, currently comprising only 8 nature reserves:

Ehden, Arz El Shouf, Tannourine, Bentael, Tyre Coast, Yammouneh, Palm Islands and Karm Chbat Nature Reserves with an ongoing planning to expand the system and manage it in a sustainable mode.


March 10 represents the maturity of nature, and its rise from under the weight of rain and snow to the light and the softness of grass and flowers.

On the occasion of the National Day for Nature Reserves, the Ministry of Environment along with the nature reserves' community is organizing a workshop with the theme "Peace for Parks". The "Peace for Parks" workshop sheds light on the impact of the 'recent hostilities on Lebanon' on the nature reserves. Presenters include MOE personnel; nature reserves committees' heads; experts and academicians.

The workshop will take place on Saturday March 10 at 11:00 am at the "Rural Development Center" at Deir el Ahmar – Baalbeck.

NB. Proceedings of workshop will be published timely after the workshop.

بيان صحفي -

اليوم الوطني للمحميات الطبيعية -



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